"The municipality of Arouca is attacking the velutina wasp with a method that, acting on the insect's nervous system for several days, makes it possible to eradicate even the unknown satellite nests of the same colony, revealed today stakeholders in the process..."
Source: Diário de Notícias newspaper
45776 - Receita caseira de isco atrativo para a Vespa Velutina
5444 - Awareness Session "A VESPA VELUTINA" - 04/08/2022, 08:30h - Lousada Municipal Library
4881 - Distribution of traps for capturing Asian wasps in the Municipality of Maia
4589 - "Clarification Session - Asian Wasp" - Noble Hall of the Volunteer Firefighters of Baltar
Armadilha seletiva para captura de Vespa Velutina
quarta 01 maio, 2024
Receita caseira de isco atrativo para a Vespa Velutina
quarta 01 maio, 2024
Distribution of traps for capturing Asian wasps in the Municipality of Maia
segunda 02 maio, 2022
"Clarification Session - Asian Wasp" - Noble Hall of the Volunteer Firefighters of Baltar
quinta 28 abril, 2022
Awareness Session "A VESPA VELUTINA" - 04/08/2022, 08:30h - Lousada Municipal Library
quinta 07 abril, 2022