On 11th July 2017, the Workshop “Management of invasive species in Portugal: where are we and where do we want to go?” was held in Coimbra, organized by the Associations NATIVA – Nature, Invasive and Environmental Valorization and MONTIS – Association for the Conservation of Nature, in collaboration with the Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra and the Functional Ecology Center from the University of Coimbra. This Workshop was the first step towards the creation of the “Multi-institutional network for the management of invasive species” that hopes to foster cooperation and improve the way in which invasive species are managed in Portugal, namely by sharing and discussing knowledge and experiences. See more about Marco ...Continue Reading
"The NATIVA Association, created this year to combat invasive species, presented a global proposal to the ten municipalities of Alto Minho to combat the Asian wasp. Invasive species "is out of control" and the plan in place "has failed in its entirety", warns Quercus..." Source: Público newspaper CLICK HERE TO SEE THE FULL NEWS ...Continue Reading
On April 8, 2017, the Auditorium of the Portuguese Institute for Sports and Youth (Portal do Fontelo) hosted the colloquium “Thinking beekeeping”. The initiative, organized by the Beira Alta Beekeepers Association within the scope of the Beekeeping Colloquium Cycle in 2017, was attended by numerous entities, among them, the NATIVA Association, represented by Marco Portocarrero who addressed the topic of Vespa velutina. See the event poster here: Event poster ...Continue Reading
The NATIVA Association was present at the "XXXVI International Beekeeping Fair", which took place on March 9, 10, 11 and 12, 2017, in Pastrana (Guadalajara, Spain). This fair had a vast program, with different themes and speakers, among which we highlight Marco Portocarrero, representing the NATIVA Association, who presented the theme "Situación actual de la Vespa velutina en Portugal" ("Current situation of Vespa velutina in Portugal"). See the event poster here: Event poster ...Continue Reading
45776 - Receita caseira de isco atrativo para a Vespa Velutina
5443 - Awareness Session "A VESPA VELUTINA" - 04/08/2022, 08:30h - Lousada Municipal Library
4881 - Distribution of traps for capturing Asian wasps in the Municipality of Maia
4588 - "Clarification Session - Asian Wasp" - Noble Hall of the Volunteer Firefighters of Baltar
Armadilha seletiva para captura de Vespa Velutina
quarta 01 maio, 2024
Receita caseira de isco atrativo para a Vespa Velutina
quarta 01 maio, 2024
Distribution of traps for capturing Asian wasps in the Municipality of Maia
segunda 02 maio, 2022
"Clarification Session - Asian Wasp" - Noble Hall of the Volunteer Firefighters of Baltar
quinta 28 abril, 2022
Awareness Session "A VESPA VELUTINA" - 04/08/2022, 08:30h - Lousada Municipal Library
quinta 07 abril, 2022