The NATIVA Association was present at the Action "Good Practices in the fight against Vespa velutina", organized by the Association of Farmers of the Municipalities of Abrantes, Constância, Sardoal and Mação, which took place on February 22, 2019, at the association's premises. See the event poster here: Event poster ...Continue Reading
The NATIVA Association was present at the "Vespa Velutina!", organized by the Beira Beekeepers Association, which took place on February 16th, 2019, at the association's premises. See the event poster here: Event poster ...Continue Reading
NATIVA Association was present at the "Seminar within the scope of the operational group of vespa velutina", which took place on February 9th, 2019, at the Cinfães Municipal Library and was attended by Marco Portocarrero, president of the association, who presented the theme "Good Practices in Combating Vespa velutina, an example from other municipalities (Marco de Canaveses and Arouca)". See the event poster here: Event poster ...Continue Reading
"In this program, we land on the wings of the Asian wasp to understand how they have affected bees (so fundamental in pollination and maintenance of the life cycle and in the life of beekeepers), but also other insects and, in the end, the lives of all of us without knowing. We take the opportunity to make official the campaign we launched in January to identify the nests of the Asian wasp, “Olhó ninho!”. With us in the studio we have João Valente, President of the Association of Beekeepers of Northern Portugal, Marco Portocarrero, Vespa Hunter and President of the Association NATIVA, and Daniel Moreno, a ...Continue Reading
The NATIVA Association was present at the Colloquium "Fighting Vespa Velutina", which took place on December 8th, 2018, at the Municipal Auditorium of Marco de Canaveses and was attended by Marco Portocarrero, president of the association, who presented the theme "Best Practices in Combating Vespa Velutina". See the event poster here: Event poster ...Continue Reading
45776 - Receita caseira de isco atrativo para a Vespa Velutina
5444 - Awareness Session "A VESPA VELUTINA" - 04/08/2022, 08:30h - Lousada Municipal Library
4881 - Distribution of traps for capturing Asian wasps in the Municipality of Maia
4589 - "Clarification Session - Asian Wasp" - Noble Hall of the Volunteer Firefighters of Baltar
Armadilha seletiva para captura de Vespa Velutina
quarta 01 maio, 2024
Receita caseira de isco atrativo para a Vespa Velutina
quarta 01 maio, 2024
Distribution of traps for capturing Asian wasps in the Municipality of Maia
segunda 02 maio, 2022
"Clarification Session - Asian Wasp" - Noble Hall of the Volunteer Firefighters of Baltar
quinta 28 abril, 2022
Awareness Session "A VESPA VELUTINA" - 04/08/2022, 08:30h - Lousada Municipal Library
quinta 07 abril, 2022