
Asian wasp. More than 15,000 nests were destroyed in 2018

Asian wasp. More than 15,000 nests were destroyed in 2018

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  • terça 22 outubro, 2019
  • 968

"It's a fight that doesn't allow for a truce. More than 15,000 Asian wasp nests were destroyed last year, according to figures from the General Directorate of Food and Veterinary Medicine. (...) Among the various entities that are on the ground fighting the Asian Vespa, Associação Nativa works at the service of 10 municipalities in the districts of Porto and Aveiro." Source: RTP Notícias CLICK HERE TO SEE THE FULL NEWS ...Continue Reading

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Municipality of Paredes and NATIVA Association establish a partnership to combat the Asian wasp

Municipality of Paredes and NATIVA Association establish a partnership to combat the Asian wasp

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  • quinta 11 abril, 2019
  • 689

"The Municipality of Paredes and the NATIVA Association – Nature, Invasive and Environmental Valorization signed a collaboration protocol, with a duration of 12 months, which aims to combat and control the velutina or Asian Vespa. The partnership aims to eliminate and control Vespa velutina using innovative techniques, in a less expensive way for the municipality, with the placement of capture traps and the use of specific biocides for the extermination of this invasive species..." Source: Paredes City Council CLICK HERE TO SEE THE FULL NEWS ...Continue Reading

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On the predator's wings: the Asian wasp!

On the predator's wings: the Asian wasp!

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  • quarta 06 fevereiro, 2019
  • 762

"In this program, we land on the wings of the Asian wasp to understand how they have affected bees (so fundamental in pollination and maintenance of the life cycle and in the life of beekeepers), but also other insects and, in the end, the lives of all of us without knowing. We take the opportunity to make official the campaign we launched in January to identify the nests of the Asian wasp, “Olhó ninho!”. With us in the studio we have João Valente, President of the Association of Beekeepers of Northern Portugal, Marco Portocarrero, Vespa Hunter and President of the Association NATIVA, and Daniel Moreno, a ...Continue Reading

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Arouca attacks Asian wasp with method that is also effective in fractional nests

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  • domingo 14 outubro, 2018
  • 924

"The municipality of Arouca is attacking the velutina wasp with a method that, acting on the insect's nervous system for several days, makes it possible to eradicate even the unknown satellite nests of the same colony, revealed today stakeholders in the process..." Source: Diário de Notícias newspaper CLICK HERE TO SEE THE FULL NEWS ...Continue Reading

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They say they have the weapons to fight the Asian wasp

They say they have the weapons to fight the Asian wasp

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  • segunda 01 maio, 2017
  • 827

"The NATIVA Association, created this year to combat invasive species, presented a global proposal to the ten municipalities of Alto Minho to combat the Asian wasp. Invasive species "is out of control" and the plan in place "has failed in its entirety", warns Quercus..." Source: Público newspaper CLICK HERE TO SEE THE FULL NEWS ...Continue Reading

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