On December 13, 2019, two information sessions on the velutina wasp, commonly known as the asian wasp, took place at the Luís Viegas Nascimento Auditorium. This initiative was developed by Eng.ª Bárbara Rodrigues (NATIVA Association), who made herself available to go to Colégio Bissaya Barreto (Coimbra) to address and provide clarification on this topic, presenting a nest of asian wasps and some specimens of this species.
45774 - Receita caseira de isco atrativo para a Vespa Velutina
5443 - Awareness Session "A VESPA VELUTINA" - 04/08/2022, 08:30h - Lousada Municipal Library
4881 - Distribution of traps for capturing Asian wasps in the Municipality of Maia
4588 - "Clarification Session - Asian Wasp" - Noble Hall of the Volunteer Firefighters of Baltar
Armadilha seletiva para captura de Vespa Velutina
quarta 01 maio, 2024
Receita caseira de isco atrativo para a Vespa Velutina
quarta 01 maio, 2024
Distribution of traps for capturing Asian wasps in the Municipality of Maia
segunda 02 maio, 2022
"Clarification Session - Asian Wasp" - Noble Hall of the Volunteer Firefighters of Baltar
quinta 28 abril, 2022
Awareness Session "A VESPA VELUTINA" - 04/08/2022, 08:30h - Lousada Municipal Library
quinta 07 abril, 2022