"The atypical climate situation of the months of December 2021 and January 2022, where the maximum temperatures were around 20 degrees and the rain was almost a mirage, will have provided a greater life expectancy for the velutina wasp, aka Asian, leading to several 'nests' are still in full activity and with the – so-called – eggs of the day in the alveoli (comb cells built with cellulose), as well as the larvae, nymphs and insects already adults..."
Source: O MINHO newspaper
45442 - Receita caseira de isco atrativo para a Vespa Velutina
5406 - Awareness Session "A VESPA VELUTINA" - 04/08/2022, 08:30h - Lousada Municipal Library
4812 - Distribution of traps for capturing Asian wasps in the Municipality of Maia
4520 - "Clarification Session - Asian Wasp" - Noble Hall of the Volunteer Firefighters of Baltar
Armadilha seletiva para captura de Vespa Velutina
quarta 01 maio, 2024
Receita caseira de isco atrativo para a Vespa Velutina
quarta 01 maio, 2024
Distribution of traps for capturing Asian wasps in the Municipality of Maia
segunda 02 maio, 2022
"Clarification Session - Asian Wasp" - Noble Hall of the Volunteer Firefighters of Baltar
quinta 28 abril, 2022
Awareness Session "A VESPA VELUTINA" - 04/08/2022, 08:30h - Lousada Municipal Library
quinta 07 abril, 2022